
What is the UK Therapy Hub?

The UK Therapy Hub is the largest directory of therapists in the UK. It’s completely free for therapists to register and it’s also free for individuals to search for a therapist.

It was founded by Geoff Simons, who has worked with a thriving psychotherapy practice for over five years.

Which types of therapists are listed here?

Hundreds of therapies are listed here, from psychology to osteopathy, physiotherapy to hypnotherapy. We’ve worked hard to make the UK Therapy Hub the leading directory of therapists in the UK, and so have included as many types of therapies as possible.

You can see a full list by clicking ‘select category’ under the search options at the top of this screen.

If you would like to find out more about a particular type of therapy, our glossary section will help.

How do I search for a therapist?

Visit our Find a Therapist page to get started. You can search by category and postcode. Or, you can simply enter a term such as ‘psychotherapist’ into the search box and click the magnifying glass.

How do you monitor the accuracy of a listing?

The UK Therapy Hub is not responsible for monitoring the accuracy of a listing. Here are some guidelines to help you choose an experienced and professional therapist:

– a good therapist will provide a detailed explanation of their services
– they will list their qualifications and experience
– they will readily answer any queries that you may have when you make a provisional appointment
– they will be registered with and accredited by a professional body

The best way to ensure that you select a reputable therapist is by choosing one who is registered with a professional body and visiting the website of that professional body to verify that they are, indeed, accredited.

If you believe that a therapist is providing misleading information on their listing, please contact us and we will carry out our own investigations to ensure that any incorrect listing is removed.

What is a professional body?

A professional body is a group, society or organisation (often non-profit) that represents a particular profession such as psychotherapy, osteopathy and so on. A professional body aims to raise the profile and standing of a profession by ensuring that its members achieve certain standards (or conditions). These standards may include qualifications, experience and ongoing training. Members will usually have to abide by a code of ethics. For example, they may have to provide specific terms and conditions to their clients.

What does accreditation mean?

Accreditation means that a therapist has met the standards set by their professional body and is now ‘registered’ with that professional body. Accreditation will usually need to be renewed yearly.

What is Continuing Professional Development?

Many professional bodies require their members to keep their skills and knowledge up to date. This ‘Continuing Professional Development’ can be completed through attending training courses, seminars, or undertaking relevant work experience.

How do I know if I need to see a therapist?

A therapist can help with a variety of physical, mental and emotional problems. Many people are referred to therapists by their GP, such as physiotherapists, osteopaths, psychologists or counsellors. Others seek help from therapists instead of, or alongside, conventional treatments (such as medication).

For example, if you suffer from depression, you may have been prescribed anti-depressants from your GP. Alongside this, you may also be considering therapies such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to help you understand and manage your condition.

I′m a therapist – where will I find answers to my questions?

Start here – and if you don’t find what you need on this page, email us at enquiries@uktherapyhub.co.uk and we’ll get right back to you.