PW McKee
Summary: PW McKee I help you see clearly with your own eyes, using the original Bates Method of Natural Vision Improvement. This method is not based on exercises but on natural relaxed use of the eyes all day long. As the visual system releases its tensions, vision clears up and […] Breath Therapy
Carla Lamkin
Summary: Carla Lamkin Breath Therapy
Guy Gold and Associates-Triyoga
Summary: Robert Hill Breath Therapy
PF Burke
Summary: PF Burke The Laban Pilates Studio offers individual teaching, taking in to consideration a clients specific needs. Laban Pilates aims to facilitate efficient movement patterns and align body and mind. We work one teacher to a maximum of four clients. Pilates is a gentle, non-aerobic movement system that promotes […] Breath Therapy
DJ Paton
Summary: DJ Paton Innerchild -emotional healing -pastlife regression-depression-weightloss-stop for men and women self esteem – self confidence -rebirthing- stop smoking-Blackheath Breath Therapy
K Brown
Summary: K Brown Louise Hay Advanced Teacher (certified by Louise Hay). Weekend workshops and personal sessions available. Teaching resources and other self help products available including fibroid healing CDs. Breath Therapy Show More Listings